25 to Life (+1) - No Way Out 1998We look back at maybe the biggest filler show imaginable. Nobody has a clue who will join DX for the main event. What a shock you are in store for. Feb 15, 202401:06:2425 to Life (+1) - Royal Rumble 199826 Years Ago the 1998 Royal Rumble took place join us to discuss an event we covered a couple of years ago. There is the Rumble that only one man could win, HBK vs Undertaker in a casket match, Rock vs Shamrock and more (but not much)!Jan 25, 202401:36:4125 to Life (+1) - In Your House: Degeneration XAfter a year away, we are back!!26 years after the DX PPV to end WWfs 1997, we look back on a particularly weak offering. Jan 01, 202401:54:1625 to Life - Survivor Series 199725 years ago today one of the most infamous moments in WWF history took place, as Shawn Michaels submitted Bret Hart to win the WWF championship... at least that's what the record books show! Join us to discuss Survivor Series 1997, as we discuss Owen vs Austin, Kane's in ring debut and some very dull 4 on 4 matches. Nov 09, 202201:27:22Badd Blood 199725 years ago on 5th October 1997 Badd Blood took place. Join us to discuss the very first Hell in a Cell match with The Undertaker looking to get even with Shawn Michaels, leading to one of the greatest debuts in wrestling history. Outside of that, the show is so awful WWF can't even spell 'Bad' correctly! There is also the cloud of Brian Pillman's death looming over the show; a man taken far too soon. Oct 05, 202201:21:3325 to Life - One Night Only25 years ago today, One Night Only took place. Join us to look through this UK show, which turns into the most depressing homecoming imaginable as Bulldog takes on Shawn Michaels. We also get Bret vs Undertaker and Vader vs Owen.Sep 20, 202201:16:4625 to Life - In Your House: Ground Zero25 years ago, 7th Sept 1997, Ground Zero took place. We look back at The Patriot taking on Bret Hart for the WWF championship and The Undertaker and Shawn Michaels facing off for the first time ever.Sep 07, 202201:14:4525 to Life - Summerslam 199725 years ago, today, Summerslam 1997 took place. Join us to look back on Mankind vs HHH in a cage, Owen Hart vs Austin (yes, it's that one) and Bret vs Undertaker with HBK as special guest ref. Obviously we don't ignore the million dollar giveaway, either!Aug 03, 202201:31:2725 To Life - In Your House: Canadian Stampede25 Years ago today, one of the most highly regarded PPVs WWF produced took place. Join us as we look back on Canadian Stampede, with the Hart Foundation taking on Team Austin. Jul 06, 202257:4125 To Life - King Of The Ring 97On 8th June 1997, King Of The Ring took place. We review the show exactly 25 years later. Its a strong card with HHH and Mankind in the KoTR final and the new tag Champions Austin and Michaels going one on one.Jun 07, 202201:20:55In Your House: Cold Day In Hell25 years ago today, In Your House: Cold Day in Hell took place. Steve Austin challenged The Undertaker for the WWF championship, with the Hart Foundation sat in seats they bought from a scalper (criminals!).May 11, 202201:01:5425 to Life - In Your House: Revenge Of The Taker25 Years ago today, the follow up show to WM 13, Revenge of the Taker took place. We look back at a 2 hr show where very little happens, but (at the same time) everything in WWF is changing.Apr 20, 202201:15:1425 to Life - WrestleMania 1325 years ago today, WrestleMania 13 took place. The night had an awful main event as Sid lost to The Undertaker, but also one of the most iconic moments in WM history as Austin refuses to tap to the sharpshooter. The attitude era starts here!Mar 23, 202201:34:0225 to Life - In Your House: Final Four25 years ago today, 16th Feb 1997, WWF In Your House Final Four took place. We look back at the show and the main event, a four way elimination match for the WWF title. Plus, a very young Rock takes on a slightly less green HHH.Feb 16, 202258:25Street Fight - NXT TakeOver Chicago 2Our Street Fight series continues with a modern classic, as Johnny Gargano takes on Tommaso Ciampa. What a match this one was!Feb 10, 202247:4425 to Life - Royal Rumble 1997We start our coverage of PPVs that took place twenty five years ago on the date of release, with Royal Rumble 1997.Jan 19, 202201:41:16Street Fight - Wrestlemania X7We go back to the greatest PPV of all time to look back at Shane vs Vince in a street fight. Only in wrestling would we be able to discuss a millionaire drugging his wife, so he can give her a front row seat as he hits his son over the head with a bin!Jan 06, 202237:55Street Fight - Starrcade 1990This episode sees us head all the way back to Starrcade 1990 as Chris talks us through one of his favourite matches of all time. Its Doom vs the four horseman in a Street fight.Dec 31, 202133:18Street Fight - PreviewThis is a short preview episode, as we look forwards to our next Selected Match Type, Street Fights.Dec 20, 202106:49Elimination Chamber - RoundupWe end our Elimination Chamber Season by discussing the best and worst of the match type. Apologies for the sound quality, again, our next episode will be back to the usual standards!Dec 15, 202134:12Elimination Chamber - No Way Out 2009This weeks episode is selected by James from the WNR podcast. We look back at the main event on a night where Edge enters with one world title and leaves with another, competing in two Chamber matches along the way. Apologies about the echo's we were recording in the same room for the first time in forever!Dec 07, 202138:15Elimination Chamber - Elimination Chamber 2010This week we look at the Elimination Chamber match which setup one of the greatest matches of all time (disagreement on whether WM25 or 26 is better is included). We also discuss how much WWE waste John Morrison, 5 days before we knew he was released - further proof that the powers be listen to our podcast!Nov 19, 202149:04Elimination Chamber - Elimination Chamber 2021We come as close the modern day as we dare, as we look back at Smackdown's chamber match from 2021, with the winner facing Roman Reigns. There's a whole lot of talent on show in this one.Nov 10, 202146:29Elimination Chamber - New Years Revolution 2006This week we go back to the Elimination Chamber Match from New Years Revolution 2006, and the height of Super Cena. This one is probably remembered more for the aftermath, with Edge cashing in the very first MiTB contract.Nov 01, 202101:03:30Elimination Chamber - Women's Tag Team Championship 2019This week we look back the Elimination chamber match from 2019 to crown the inaugural Women's Tag Team Champions. With 12 wrestlers and 4 commentators, there is bound to be a lot happening.... right?!Oct 03, 202151:28Elimination Chamber - Summerslam 2003We visit Summerslam 2003 for our next Elimination Chamber match. Yeah, it's the Goldberg one.Sep 13, 202149:44Elimination Chamber - December to Dismember 2006We look back at the first (and lets face it, possibly only ever) Extreme Elimination Chamber. This was the worst performing PPV of all time, until the network came and censored everything. So, join us for what is bound to be fun...Aug 23, 202158:56Elimination Chamber - Survivor Series 2002The first match of series 7 is the first ever Elimination Chamber match, from Survivor Series 2002. Get ready for lots of numbers, some very strong showings and some really bad brown tights!Aug 07, 202155:12Elimination Chamber - PreviewWe look forward to series 7, where we are focussing on Elimination Chamber matches.Jul 30, 202113:13TLC - The RoundupOur TLC Coverage concludes, with us looking back at our favourite spots, matches and performances from the Tables, Ladders and Chairs matches we have covered.Jun 08, 202133:03TLC - Wrestlemania 17Our latest TLC match is an absolute classic, as we cover TLC 2 from Wrestlemania x7. It doesn't matter how many times you have seen this, it is always worth a re-watch!May 29, 202146:51TLC - Triplemania 2019We go to AAA for the first time, for Triplemania 2019. The match we are covering is the 7 woman TLC match for the Reina de Reinas Championship.May 22, 202136:17TLC - Unforgiven 2006This week, we recap Edge vs John Cena from Unforgiven 2006. What a match from, arguably, both men's best feud.May 13, 202150:43WeeLC - Extreme Rules 2014This week, we look back at WeeLC from Extreme Rules 2014. Join us for a thoroughly entertaining match that the comms team actively try to ruin!May 07, 202139:53TLC - TLC 2012This week, we look at the in ring debut of The Shield. Join us to discuss a chaotic 6 man brawl as Reigns, Rollins and Ambrose take on Team HellNo and Ryback.Apr 28, 202147:15TLC - Summerslam 2000Our latest episode covers the first ever TLC match, from Summerslam 2000, when wrestling was arguably at it's most popular. Come and reminisce with us, as we look back on a classic between three of the best teams of all time, it's the The Dudleys vs The Hardys vs Edge and Christian.Apr 08, 202135:30TLC - Against All Odds 2005We start our series six matches with a trip to the Impact zone, for the first time in the podcast. We look at Against All Odds and the TLC/Full Metal Mayhem Match between Abyss and Jeff Hardy.Mar 27, 202140:14TLC Preview - Tables Ladders and Chairs (Oh My)We start our series six coverage with a quick preview episode for Tables Ladders and ChairsMar 11, 202108:00Buried Alive Episode 7 - The round upIt is a very special episode as we celebrate our 50th anniversary! We look back on some of our favourite matches from the past 5 series, as well as close our Buried alive coverage with a round-up.Feb 22, 202118:07Buried Alive Episode 6 - WrestleMania 36When is a buried alive match not a buried alive match? When it is in a boneyard. Still... close enough for us to cover it as an episode. In this episode we look at the cinematic match from night one of WrestleMania 36, which happened to be The Undertaker's last match.Feb 08, 202153:57Buried Alive Episode 5 - Bragging Rights 2010We revisit Bragging Rights 2010 to discuss Kane Vs The Undertaker, in a Buried Alive match. Along with the match itself, we look back at the history between the two and fantasy book the Bragging Rights concept 11 years later.Jan 24, 202146:35Buried Alive Episode 4 - Survivor Series 2003In our latest Buried Alive episode, we revisit Survivor Series 2003 and a blood bath between The Undertaker and Vince McMahon. Have WWE finally realised the most efficient way of filling a hole? Listen and find out.Jan 10, 202138:26Buried Alive Episode 2 - Rock Bottom 1998We look back at the second buried alive match, between The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. This feud had it all: embalmment, crucifixions and of course soil.Dec 08, 202038:32Buried Alive Episode 1 - In Your House 1996We look at the very first Buried Alive match, with The Undertaker taking on Mankind. Listen along as 5 men take a ridiculous amount of time to move some dirt!Nov 29, 202044:17Buried Alive - Preview EpisodeWe look ahead to our Buried Alive coverage with our series preview episode.Nov 19, 202007:15Hell In A Cell Episode 11 - Hell In A Cell 2020 ReviewAfter the success of our previous collaboration for Halloween Spooktactular, we join forces, once again, with WNR Podcast to look back at the Cell matches from HIAC 2020, and wrap up our Series 4 coverage.Oct 28, 202050:59Hell In A Cell Episode 10 - Hell in a Cell WrapupIn the final episode of the series, we look back at Hell In a Cell matches, pick our favourites, our star of the series and tell WWE where they are going wrong, because who doesn't love an armchair fan?!Oct 07, 202037:28Clash of Champions 2020 PredictionsIt is time for a bonus episode! We give our brief thoughts and predictions for Clash of Champions 2020.Sep 26, 202020:49
Royal Rumble Episode 7 - Austin vs McMahon by Select Match Type (2025)
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Author: Eusebia Nader
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Name: Eusebia Nader
Birthday: 1994-11-11
Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603
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Job: International Farming Consultant
Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting
Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.